Issue 1, 2012
Altrnative core environmental module for students: features of the foundations of ecology from the physics positions
Altrnative core environmental module for students: features of the foundations of ecology from the physics positions
V.A. Gordienko, K.V. Pokazeev, M.V. Starkova
The alternative new approach to the presentation of the propaedeutic environment is dis-cuss, which may be preceded by the presentation of traditional material of special training courses in ecology, and for students no environmentalists – to serve as the basic course “In-troduction to the ecology". The basis of discussion, the authors prepared the manuscript was taken manual with the same title. This tutorial – the first in the domestic literature, designed primarily for students, which attempted to expand the “niche" of ecological knowledge, including in the course ma-terial, substantially beyond the traditional, expounded in the classic courses of ecology.. The main objective of the approach to the presentation of educational material is to give the reader a sufficient amount of material that allows you to intelligently sort out the problems that are now commonly referred to as environmental, and which have become dangerous, primarily because of their Evaluation relationship with nature people are more inclined to change the nature than his ideas about the wisdom of these relationships. Therefore, the ap-proach described in the environment is seen not as a science is taken separately, but is much wider – as the problem-oriented system of interdisciplinary knowledge about the relationship between human and nature in general. The true causes of problems, referred to as environ-mental, in fact, often go far beyond traditional ecology, and the solution of these problems requires more, including new knowledge, new type of thinking. The presence of sufficiently large information content from the analogous arts besides the basic material studied in traditional courses of the environment, in the opinion of the authors, will allow the listener a more objective approach to the analysis of certain provisions of mod-ern ecology.
Show AbstractAnalysis of synchronization features in 2D-lattices of diffusively coupled quadratic maps by means of local criterion of stochasticity
Analysis of synchronization features in 2D-lattices of diffusively coupled quadratic maps by means of local criterion of stochasticity
Kozlov A.A.
In the field of synchronization processes coupled map lattices (CML) represent paradigmatic models of extended systems exhibiting spatiotemporal chaos, self-organization and synchronization due to the rich variety of global qualitative behavior. In this article dynamics on 2D-lattice of diffusively coupled quadratic maps with periodic boundary conditions is shown in all patterns of its behavior which are turned out to be quite similar to those ones of 1D-chain. However some of its specific features are also revealed and discussed, especially in a strong coupling regime when domains of differently oriented 2-element clusters involved zig-zag dynamics in domains are competing with the formation of chaotic elements on the borderlines of the domains. The comprehension of such cooperative behavior and other synchronization patterns mostly appears with emergent method, developed in the form of local criterion of stochasticity which allows investigating not only the local behavior of individual elements, but the evolution of the global dynamics of the entire phase space. Our results show the effectiveness of the criterion on 2D-lattice of diffusively coupled qaudratic maps and other examples of regular networks, so it is believed to provide a powerful framework to study various types of synchronizability for networks of coupled maps depending on their architecture.
Show AbstractNumerical modelling of а propagation process and sedimentation of ablated particles in the scheme of a direct laser dusting
Numerical modelling of а propagation process and sedimentation of ablated particles in the scheme of a direct laser dusting
А.А. Antipov, S.M. Arakelyan, D.N. Buharov, S.V. Kutrovskaya, A.O. Kucherik, V.G. Prokoshev
In the given work results of experimental and theoretical researches of processes of distribution and sedimentation of the lazer-induced plasma in a problem of a direct laser dusting are considered. Researches were spent at influence of laser radiation on a carbon target in the presence of atmospheric air. The special experimental scheme has been developed for management of process of distribution of plasma, allowing to create gasdynamical channel with changeable geometry. Research of a surface of a cold substrate after laser influence has allowed to define presence of various zones of the sedimentation which formation can be explained by the features of plasmadynamical processes. For modelling of process of distribution of plasma the mathematical model based on the hydrodynamic approach has been offered. The offered model allows to define arising features in distribution of a stream near to a substrate surface. On the basis of modelling potential Lennard-Jhones with use of formed lines of a current calculations of the sizes of possible areas of sedimentation of products laser аblation are carried out.
Show AbstractThe effect of longitudinal magnetic field inhomogeneities on the structure of thin current sheets in space plasmas
The effect of longitudinal magnetic field inhomogeneities on the structure of thin current sheets in space plasmas
Zelenyi Lev Matvvevich, Malova Helmi Vitalievna, Popov Victor Yurievich
The model of relatively thin current sheet taking into account the longitudinal inhomogeneity of magnetic field is constructed and investigated. It is shown that nonlinear dynamics of charged particles depending from magnetic field distribution in thin current sheets completely determines their equilibrium structure. Transient ions are main current carriers in this system and they support practically 1D current sheet. At the same time, due to conservation of longitudinal invariant, quasi-trapped particles are re-distributed along current sheet in such a way that their conservation becomes to be larger in a region with the larger transversal magnetic field; simultaneously their local currents partially compensate the general current density. Electron currents appeared to be stronger at the opposite border of current sheet where the value of cross-sheet magnetic field is smaller, and, correspondingly, curvature radius of magnetic field lines is smaller too. In this region current density profile has embedded layered structure; thus, narrow electron current is embedded inside more thicker proton current, and all this configuration is embedded inside more thicker plasma sheet.
Show AbstractInhomogeneous pion condensate in (1+1)-dimensional massive Nambu--Jona-Lasinio model
Inhomogeneous pion condensate in (1+1)-dimensional massive Nambu--Jona-Lasinio model
Zhukovsky V.Ch., N.V.Gubina, Kurbanov S.G., Klimenko K.G.
The ground state structure of four-fermionic $(1+1)$--dimensional Nambu--Jona-Lasinio model is investigated as a function of the external parameters (chemical potentials). In their presence the model demonstrates the features of dense quark matter in real physical situations. The thermodynamic potential of the model is calculated in the presence of nonzero baryonic $\mu$ and isotopical $\mu_I$ chemical potentials in the limit of large number of colors($N_c\to\infty$). The possibility of the formation of spatially inhomogeneous pion condensate in both massive and massless cases is considered. Detailed analysis of phase structure of the studied model is conducted.
Show AbstractOn a possible relation between the mass of the Universe and characteristic sizes of particles
On a possible relation between the mass of the Universe and characteristic sizes of particles
N. A. Miskinova, B. N. Shvilkin
It is shown that the mass of the matter equal to the value accepted at present of the mass of the visible part of our Universe is reached at the Planck density in the volume which size is comparable with the nucleon size and is close to the pion Compton wavelength.
Show AbstractThe observed features of two-dimensional tunneling in external electric field.
The observed features of two-dimensional tunneling in external electric field.
V.Ch Zhukovsky, V.D. Krevchik, M.B. Semenov, R.V. Zaitsev, V.A. Rudin, P.V. Krevchik, I.A. Egorov
Controllability problem for two-dimensional dissipative tunneling in system of the tunnel-coupled quantum dots (quantum molecule), interacting quantum molecules or system “the AFM/ STM cantilever tip – quantum dot", simulated by 2D oscillator potential in a heat bath and external electric field, has been investigated. Obtained results are qualitatively corresponded to separate experimental VACs for system “platinized cantilever tip – golden quantum dot", which have been obtained in N. Novgorod State University. Earlier predicted 2D tunnel bifurcations with dissipation for case of parallel tunneling interacting particles are found as experimentally observed and stable ones.
Show AbstractMethods of measuring background processes from experimental data in the analysis of single top production in the CMS experiment of LHC
Methods of measuring background processes from experimental data in the analysis of single top production in the CMS experiment of LHC
Boos E.E. Dudko L.V. Markina A.A. Myagkov I.A. Perfilov M.A. Popov A.A. Tsirova N.A. Shvetsov I.A.
Experimental analysis of single top production includes set of problems. In this paper we review the measuring of multijet events and the effeciency of using triggers.
Show AbstractThe passive millimeter wave imaging system for detection of concealed threats
The passive millimeter wave imaging system for detection of concealed threats
D.P. Soldatov, V.V. Gladun, R.A. Pavlov, Yu.A. Pirogov, D.A. Tischenko
The 3-millimeter wave passive imaging system was developed in the microwave laboratory of MSU to detect and locate threats. Millimeter wave properties enable to design the passive system which can image objects in radiofrequency in real-time without illumination.
Show AbstractDynamics of quantum entanglement in optomechanical systems with dissipation
Dynamics of quantum entanglement in optomechanical systems with dissipation
Kiriukhin Oleg Danilishin Shtefan
Modern gravitational-wave detectors and other optomechanical devices should reach such sensitivity, that it would be possible to observe quantum phenomena with macroscopic quantum objects. One of the most interesting experimental projects in this area of fundamental physics is the proof of the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen paradox in its initial interpretation, that is for coordinate and momentum of macroscopic mechanical objects. We study dynamics of quantum entanglement and possibility of it's observation it in optomechanical systems. For such systems we calculate logarithmic negativity, one of the most popular entanglement measures, as a function of time. This measure characterizes the dynamics of quantum entanglement in a system with dissipation. We show that quantum entanglement is a result of dynamics of the system and at certain parameters it can persist for an infinitely long time. The results show that it is possible to use optomechanical systems for creating quantum memory.
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