Issue 3, 2015
On the Rutherford--Bohr model of the atom
On the Rutherford--Bohr model of the atom
A.V. Borisov
We give a detailed analysis of two fundamental papers by E. Rutherford (1911) and N. Bohr (1913) where basics of the theory of atomic structure and spectra were developed. We show what influence these works exerted on the development of modern physics.
Show AbstractMaslov Complex Germ Method for Scalar Electrodynamics
Maslov Complex Germ Method for Scalar Electrodynamics
O.Yu. Shvedov
The main notions of semiclassical scalar electrodynamics are discussed. Different approaches for quantizing scalar electrodynamics are considered. These are Couloumb gauge quantization, refined algebraic quantization and Gupta-Bleuler (or BRST-BFV) quantization. In the semiclassical theory, set of all semiclassical states are viewed as a bundle. The base of the bundle is considered as an extended phase space of the corresponding classical theory. Fibres are quantum states in external background. Semiclassical observables are expressed via differential 1-forms on the extended phase space.
Show AbstractThe quantum analog of zeta-function and spector of masses for the alternating zeta-function field theory
The quantum analog of zeta-function and spector of masses for the alternating zeta-function field theory
A.O. Shishanin
In the present work we consider the quantum analogue of Riemann’s zeta-function and its alternating version. Formulas for representation of zeta-functions in the form of a functional series and values in the negative integral points are given. For classical limit are obtained known results. We consider field theory for kinetic term with quantum alternating zeta-function and discuss mass spectrum here.
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