Faculty of Physics
M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University

Structure, phase composition and functional characteristics of titanium-based coatings obtained via reactive magnetron sputtering

V. M. Avdyukhina$^1$, M. M. Khrushchov$^2$, I. S. Levin$^3$, E. V. Kashurkin$^4$, D. A. Suliandziga$^5$

Memoirs of the Faculty of Physics 2020. N 4.

  • Article

The results have been presented of a comprehensive study of the structural state, chemical and phase composition, micromechanical and tribological properties of the vacuum-deposited coatings obtained via reactive magnetron sputtering of silicon targets.

Received: 2020 October 9
Approved: 2020 November 13
61.10.-i X-ray diffraction and scattering
62.20.-x Mechanical properties of solids
68.60.-p Physical properties of thin films, nonelectronic
78.30.-j Infrared and Raman spectra
V. M. Avdyukhina$^1$, M. M. Khrushchov$^2$, I. S. Levin$^3$, E. V. Kashurkin$^4$, D. A. Suliandziga$^5$
$^1$Department of Solid State Physics, Faculty of Physics, M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University\
$^2$Blagonravov Mechanical Engineering Research Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences\
$^3$Blagonravov Mechanical Engineering Research Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences\
$^4$Department of Solid State Physics, Faculty of Physics, M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University\
$^5$Department of Solid State Physics, Faculty of Physics, M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University
Issue 4, 2020

Moscow University Physics Bulletin

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