Faculty of Physics
M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University

Electro-induced magnetomechanical effect

M. A. Koliushenkov, A. S. Kaminskiy, A. P. Pyatakov

Memoirs of the Faculty of Physics 2023. N 4.

  • Article

The development of nanotechnologies give rise to the nanoelectromechanical devices, in which mechanical movements are induced and detected electrically. Many antiferromagnetics are characterized by a magnetoelectric effect, so it seems interesting to investigate how pronounced magnetomechanical effects are in magnetoelectric films, micro and nano-particles. In this paper, the possibility of the existence of an electrically induced magnetomechanical effect in antiferromagnetics is investigated, its evaluation for samples of different geometries is made, and methods for recording and enhancing the effect, including the detection of the resonance effect using a probe microscope, are discussed.

Received: 2023 May 26
Approved: 2023 November 15
75.50.Ee Antiferromagnetics
75.80.+q Magnetomechanical effects, magnetostriction
M. A. Koliushenkov, A. S. Kaminskiy, A. P. Pyatakov
$^1$1 Physics Faculty of M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University
Issue 4, 2023

Moscow University Physics Bulletin

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