Faculty of Physics
M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University

Solution of the stationary problem of GCR propagation with an anisotropic diffusion tensor

V. D. Borisov, Yu. O. Vladimir, I. A. Kudryashov

Memoirs of the Faculty of Physics 2023. N 4.

  • Article

The article is concerned to the inverse problem solution of the propagation of galactic cosmic rays (GCR) from a close source (supernova) to an observer by means of constructing a model of cosmic ray transport with an anisotropic diffusion tensor. A model of the contribution of a point source to the background spectrum of cosmic rays is considered, the best fit for the approximation of the observed proton spectra according to the data of NUCLEON, CALET and PAMELA is carried out. According to the estimated distances, a possible interpretation of the CR (cosmic ray) knee in the region of 10 TeV is presented. An assumption is made about possible candidates causing a change in the observed spectrum.

Received: 2023 May 30
Approved: 2023 September 28
13.85.Tp Cosmic-ray interactions
V. D. Borisov, Yu. O. Vladimir, I. A. Kudryashov
$^1$1 Physics Faculty of M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University
Issue 4, 2023

Moscow University Physics Bulletin

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