Rare Higgs boson decays into a quarkonium-pair are theoretically investigated. The main production mechanisms have been studied in detail as well as their interference within the Standard Model. The one-loop corrections to the decay widths have been taken into account. Such research is potentially of interest in terms of Higgs boson decay modes observation on future facilities.
Received: 2023 June 1
Approved: 2023 August 1
14.80.Bn Standard-model Higgs bosons
14.40.Pq Heavy quarkonia
14.40.Pq Heavy quarkonia
© 2016 Publisher M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University
E. A. Leshchenko$^1$, A. V. Berezhnoy$^2$
$^1$1 Physics Faculty of M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University\
$^1$1 Physics Faculty of M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University\