Despite years of research, there are still many open questions about the model of gamma-ray generation by these sources. It is assumed that the measurement of the linear polarization of radiation can provide an answer to a number of unresolved questions in the physics of phenomena. When registering gamma radiation with scintillation detectors, the problem of dead time also arises, during which the device is not able to register a newly received quantum of radiation. It begins to play a significant role when the gamma-ray flux approaches the inverse of the dead time of the detector. Such problems arise when registering terrestrial gamma-ray flashes and the most powerful cosmic gamma-ray bursts. However, by segmenting the detector, it is possible on the one hand to reduce the effect of dead time, and on the other hand to measure the polarization of radiation. In this paper, a simulation of the registration of radiation polarization by a segmented scintillation detector using the Geant4 software package is carried out.
95.55.Qf Photometric, polarimetric, and spectroscopic instrumentation
95.30.Gv Radiation mechanisms; polarization
$^2$Space Research Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences