Faculty of Physics
M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University
Regular Article

Seismic anomalies according to the catalog of earthquakes in China

f. -. gao

Memoirs of the Faculty of Physics 2022. N 6.

  • Article

This paper considers earthquake anomalies for five strong earthquakes in China (Xinjiang-Yutian earthquake MS7.3, Wenchuan earthquake MS8.0, Lushan earthquake MS7.15, Jiuzhaigou earthquake MS7.2, and Milin earthquake MS7.1). Based on the avalanche unstable fracture formation model (AUF), three different prediction methods are Gutenberg-Richter relation (b-value),regional-time-length algorithm(RTL)and seismogenic rupture concentration (KCP). Spatiotemporal distribution analysis of precursor anomalies before strong earthquakes shows that RTL and Kcp anomalies are detected before all earthquakes, and b-value anomalies are found before 4 earthquakes. The average times between the occurrence of anomalies and the occurrence of earthquakes were: RTL – 2.13 years; b-value - 3.45 years; KCP - 16.75 years. Average distance between the region of the main RTL anomaly and the epicenter: 0.895°. The results show that the seismic prediction method based on the model AUF is applicable to the geological conditions of China and that the time of anomalies preceding an earthquake indicates the probability of an earthquake occurring.

Received: 2022 May 19
Approved: 2022 December 13
91.30.pd Hazard assessment, forecasting, and prediction
f. -. gao
$^1$Faculty of Physics Lomonosov Moscow State University
Issue 6, 2022

Moscow University Physics Bulletin

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