In connection with the advent of optoelectronic devices using various applications of modern photonics, ranging from light collection by nanophotonic waveguides to quantum information processing, the study of nanocrystalline photonic structures is of particular relevance. This paper presents the results of studying the dependence of the dispersion characteristics of quasiparticle excitations in a nonideal one-dimensional (D) lattice of micropores containing quantum dots in one of the sublattices on the concentration of structural defects associated with the variation in the positions of micropores. It is shown that as a result of the presence of these structural defects in a 1D two-sublattice array of micropores, it is possible to achieve the necessary change in the energy structure of electromagnetic excitations and, consequently, the optical properties of the system under study, due to the rearrangement of the electromagnetic spectrum. Within the framework of the virtual crystal approximation, we numerically simulate the dependence of the dispersion characteristics of quasiparticles (polariton excitations) in a nonideal two-sublattice chain of tunnel-coupled micropores (resonators) in the case where one of the sublattices of the chain contains quantum dots as an atomic subsystem. The result obtained in the study of the dependence of the effective mass of electromagnetic excitations on the concentration of structural defects opens up the possibility of controlling the group velocity of these elementary excitations, and, consequently, the signal transmission rate in the corresponding optoelectronic device.
42.70.Qs Photonic bandgap materials
73.21.Cd Superlattices
71.36.+c Polaritons
$^1$A.A. Galkin Donetsk Institute for Physics and Engi-neering