Faculty of Physics
M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University

Experience in teaching courses «General issues of methods of teaching physical and mathematical disciplines» and «Fundamentals of teaching physics at a university» in a remote format

T. A. Bushina, A. I. Slepkov

Memoirs of the Faculty of Physics 2021. N 4.

  • Article

The experience of teaching the courses "General issues of methods of teaching physics and mathematics in higher education" for master's students and "Fundamentals of teaching physics in higher education" for postgraduate students in a distance format at the Faculty of Physics of Moscow State University in the autumn semester of the academic year 2020-2021 is discussed. In the context of the coronavirus pandemic, these courses, like other lecture courses taught at the Faculty of Physics, had to be transferred to a remote format. As a result, in order to maintain interest in the courses and not lose feedback from the listeners, the principles of working with students and postgraduates were reworked. This paper discusses new approaches to working with students and postgraduates, provides examples of tasks that were offered to be performed in a remote format.

Received: 2021 July 27
Approved: 2021 August 25
01.40.gb Teaching methods and strategies
01.55.+b General physics
T. A. Bushina, A. I. Slepkov
$^1$Moscow State University, Physics Faculty
Issue 4, 2021

Moscow University Physics Bulletin

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