Faculty of Physics
M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University

Orographic disturbance modeling (study of analytical model adequacy on the basis of measurements of clouds above the Crimean Mountains).

V. N. Kozhevnikov

Memoirs of the Faculty of Physics 2019. N 3.

  • Article

While using the non-linear analytical model of the flow over the mountains, orographic disturbances and the model adequacy were studied. Theoretically calculated trajectories, disturbances of temperature and humidity were compared with the actual stereophotogrammetric measurements of wavy clouds. It was shown that the model successfully describes the spatial structure and amplitudes of disturbances in the troposphere beyond the turbulent surface air. It was established that, on the days of clouds observations, turbulent processes in the surface air did not have any significant impact on wavy processes at the heights over 2.5 km.

Received: 2019 July 2
Approved: 2019 September 23
92.60.-e Properties and dynamics of the atmosphere; meteorology
V. N. Kozhevnikov
$^1$Faculty of Physics, M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University.
Issue 3, 2019

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