The concentration of oxidative equivalents formed in a 5 mL sample of water under the action of radiation from a spark discharge generator SD50 was investigated. Under the action of generator radiation in water, the radicals HO2•, hydrogen peroxide, nitrous acid and complex, which decompose within 14 days into peroxynitrite and peroxynitrous acid, are formed. The concentration of oxidative equivalents was determined by introducing a solution of Mohr's salt into the treated water. The yield of ferric ions was estimated from the absorbance of 304 nm line. It was established that the chain reaction of ferrous iron oxidation under the action of active products formed in water does not take place. Immediately after 3 minutes treatment, the concentration of oxidizing equivalents was 22.4 \pm 2.5 (mmol equic)/L. It decreased to zero within 14 days. The value of red-ox potential immediately after treatment with plasma radiation for 3 minutes was EAg-Cl = 553 \pm 5 mV, pH = 2.47 \pm 0.05. In plasma activated water after treatment with plasma of gliding arc discharge EAg-Cl ~ 470 mV, pH ~ 3.2. The energy costs of obtaining water by plasma radiation are significantly less than by plasma inself.
$^1$Federal Public Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Volga Research Medical University" of the Ministry of Health of Russia\
$^2$D.V.Scobeltsyn Institute of Nuclear Physics,Lomonosov Moscow State University,