In this paper, a new scheme of a microwave device of the vircator type is proposed, in which the mechanisms of generation of electromagnetic radiation in the upper range of microwave spectra (of the order of 30 GHz) and the amplification of induced oscillations due to interaction with a periodic electromagnetic system of a photonic crystal are combined. In the framework of numerical electromagnetic three-dimensional modeling by the particle-in-cell method, the efficiency of such an interaction is shown in the form of an increase in the amplitude, which corresponds to the enhancement of a particular type of fast vortex waves arising in electron beams as a result of the beam-plasma instability in the absence of ions.
Received: 2018 June 30
Approved: 2019 January 23
84.40.Fe Microwave tubes
84.70.+p High-current and high-voltage technology: power systems; power transmission lines and cables
84.70.+p High-current and high-voltage technology: power systems; power transmission lines and cables
© 2016 Publisher M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University
N. S. Frolov
$^1$Yuri Gagarin State Technical University of Saratov
$^1$Yuri Gagarin State Technical University of Saratov