Faculty of Physics
M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University

Phase phenomena in the 3D Ising gauge model

S. D. Mostovoy$^1$, O. V. Pavlovsky$^{1,2}$

Memoirs of the Faculty of Physics 2018. N 4.

  • Article

In this paper phase phenomena in the three-dimensional Ising gauge model were studied. Using the Monte Carlo simulation method, it was shown that the model possesses a phase transition. To determine the critical temperature of the model several order parameters were considered: plaque magnetization, Wilson loops and the mass of the lattice defect (vacancy). Considering the Wilson loops of area 2 of different spatial forms, we have found the energy difference between them in the vicinity of the phase transition. It was also shown that the mass of the defect has a peak near the phase transition and that this peak's position tends to the critical point with increasing lattice volume.

Received: 2018 May 7
Approved: 2018 September 18
05.50.+q Lattice theory and statistics
75.10.Hk Classical spin models
02.70.-c Computational techniques; simulations
02.70.Uu Applications of Monte Carlo methods
S. D. Mostovoy$^1$, O. V. Pavlovsky$^{1,2}$
$^1$MSU, Faculty of Physics\
$^2$Alikhanov Institute for Theoretical and Experimental Physics
Issue 4, 2018

Moscow University Physics Bulletin

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