Faculty of Physics
M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University

Empirical recovery of mathematical models of a linear measuring transducer and the optimal computing transducer

D. A. Balakin

Memoirs of the Faculty of Physics 2018. N 4.

  • Article

It follows from the theory of measuring-computing systems that the requirements for a measuring transducer (MT) that forms measurement result during interaction with the measured object in order to obtain maximal interpretation accuracy significantly differ depending on how it is going to function — by itself or as a part of a measuring-computing transducer (MCT). In the second case, maximal interpretation accuracy has to be provided by the MCT that is considered to be a measuring device of the same purpose as the "perfect" device for the researcher. As a rule, an exact mathematical MT model and, hence, the algorithm realized by the computing transducer (CT) that provides maximal accuracy of MCT as a measuring device, are not known to the researcher, but he can perform test measurements of known objects. The aim of this article is to synthesize using test measurements both the response of a MT with unknown model and the optimal interpretation of the measurement result, i.e., the output signal of the MCT.

Received: 2018 May 7
Approved: 2018 July 17
02.50.Le Decision theory and game theory
D. A. Balakin
$^1$Moscow State University, Physics Faculty
Issue 4, 2018

Moscow University Physics Bulletin

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