Faculty of Physics
M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University

Study of the properties of neutron detector based on ZnS(Ag){$+^6$LiF} for monitoring of radiation situation near nuclear setups

L. -. Bouchama, A. N. Dmitrieva, D. M. Gromushkin

Memoirs of the Faculty of Physics 2018. N 4.

  • Article

The neutron detector on the basis of ZnS(Ag){$+^6$LiF} scintillator which can be used for the monitoring of the level of background radioactivity near nuclear objects is described. The detailed description of the created model of the detector in the software package Geant4 is given. The model takes into account the real dimensions of the detector and its composition. Optical properties of substances are described. The necessary processes are inserted. Response of the detector for muons and neutrons was simulated. In the case of neutrons, response simulation used alpha and tritium particles with energies corresponding to the lithium decay after neutron capture. The processing of the results shows that the average number of photons counted in the result of neutron capture is about nine times more than the number of photons emitted after passing of muons through the scintillator, in addition, the shape of the signals differs. Further, using the SERPENT code, it is planned to take into account all physical processes of propagation and interaction of neutrons with matter, as well as to take into account the neutron spectrum possible for a non-emergency situation at the nuclear setup.

Received: 2018 May 14
Approved: 2018 September 11
29.40.Mc Scintillation detectors
28.20.-v Neutron physics
28.52.Nh Safety
L. -. Bouchama, A. N. Dmitrieva, D. M. Gromushkin
$^1$National Research Nuclear University MEPhI
Issue 4, 2018

Moscow University Physics Bulletin

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