The characteristics of output radiation of gyro-amplifiers (such as gyroklystron and helical waveguide gyro-TWT) with delayed feedback and gyrotron, operated at the regime of high exceeding of the threshold, were studied. It was shown, that this devices could produce wideband chaotic oscillations with a relative spectrum width up to 10% at the millimeter wavelength. In all cases these regimes are referred to as hyperchaos.
Received: 2017 July 24
Approved: 2017 November 28
84.40.Ik Masers; gyrotrons
05.45.Jn High-dimensional chaos
05.45.Jn High-dimensional chaos
© 2016 Publisher M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University
R. M. Rozental$^1$, N. S. Ginzburg$^1$, I. V. Zotova$^1$, O. B. Isaeva$^{2,3}$, A. G. Rozhnev$^{2,3}$, A. S. Sergeev$^1$
$^1$Institute of Applied Physics RAS\
$^2$Saratov State University\
$^3$Kotel’nikov Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics of RAS, Saratov Branch
$^1$Institute of Applied Physics RAS\
$^2$Saratov State University\
$^3$Kotel’nikov Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics of RAS, Saratov Branch