In the article is shown, according to a complex of acoustic measurements, a practical application of method of combined rooms’ reverberation calculation method. Essential usefulness of the method is marked at acoustic designing of combined halls with a transforming barrier between them. Also the results of experimental approval for proposed methods are shown, after acoustic measurements brought by authors in a complex of combined rooms of multifunctional hall and its foyer as a part of the Palace of arts “Neftyanik” in Surgut, Russia.
Received: 2017 July 14
Approved: 2017 October 17
43.55.+p Architectural acoustics
43.55.Br Room acoustics: theory and experiment; reverberation, normal modes, diffusion, transient and steady-state response
43.58.+z Acoustical measurements and instrumentation
43.55.Nd Reverberation room design: theory, applications to measurements of sound absorption, transmission loss, sound power
43.55.Br Room acoustics: theory and experiment; reverberation, normal modes, diffusion, transient and steady-state response
43.58.+z Acoustical measurements and instrumentation
43.55.Nd Reverberation room design: theory, applications to measurements of sound absorption, transmission loss, sound power
© 2016 Publisher M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University
C. A. Schirjetsky, V. M. Aleshkin, A. O. Subbotkin, V. N. Soukhov
$^1$Research institute of building physics of Russian academy of architecture and building science (NIISF RAASN)
$^1$Research institute of building physics of Russian academy of architecture and building science (NIISF RAASN)