The results of the authors on the sonodynamic therapy of cancer with the use of nanoparticles as sonosensitizers are summarized in this article. Cavitational and thermal effects of ultrasound in aqueous and gel model media containing the modifiers of different nature have been studied by various methods. Some provisions defining the selection criteria of promising sonosensitizers on model systems were formulated. Apparatus for preclinical and clinical research has been established. The original method for the synthesis of nanoparticles and their aggregates (solid phase sonosensitizers) directly in a tumor has been proposed. Range of biophysical and physicochemical problems related to solid phase sonosensitization was formulated.
Received: 2014 November 20
Approved: 2015 January 1
PACS: Therapeutic applications
43.30.Nb Noise in water; generation mechanisms and characteristics of the field
43.35.Ei Acoustic cavitation in liquids
43.35.Hl Sonoluminescence
43.30.Nb Noise in water; generation mechanisms and characteristics of the field
43.35.Ei Acoustic cavitation in liquids
43.35.Hl Sonoluminescence
© 2016 Publisher M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University
A.L. Nikolaev, A.V. Gopin, I.I. Konopatskaya, M.A. Mironov, P.A. Pyatakov, N.V. Andronova, E.M. Treshchalina, N.V. Dezhkunov
Leninskiye Gory 1-3, GSP-1, Moscow 1, 119991, Russia
Leninskiye Gory 1-3, GSP-1, Moscow 1, 119991, Russia