The short transverse viscous waves induced in a thin liquid layer placed on a solid surface cause the appearance of non-linear effects such as currents, the radiation force and the hydrodynamic cavitation by analytical and numerical methods in the present research were shown. These effects during ultrasonic metallization provide wetting by melt of solid surface and create a developed relief of surface and intensify the physical-chemical interaction for the liquid melt and solid phase.
Received: 2014 November 7
Approved: 2014 December 21
43.00.00 Acoustics
43.35.-c Ultrasonics, quantum acoustics, and physical effects of sound
43.35.-c Ultrasonics, quantum acoustics, and physical effects of sound
© 2016 Publisher M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University
A.S. Pavlovskii, S.I. Pugachev, N.G. Semenova
198540, Saint-Petersburg, Ulanovskaya st. 3.
198540, Saint-Petersburg, Ulanovskaya st. 3.