Analysis with heterogeneous form of localized structures acoustic waves. In certain conditions, the process of wave propagation is accompanied in the course of motion of a continuous nonlinear decay of the amplitude of the displacements, and the emission of the bulk waves, which allows to distinguish them as a new class of waves of low intensity with heterogeneous structure. Discovered a new physical phenomenon, unknown in the technical literature. Identified a specific type of waves with a complex structure, extending along the edges on a sustainable trajectory.
Received: 2014 October 17
Approved: 2015 January 1
43.25.+y Nonlinear acoustics
© 2016 Publisher M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University
Kh.B. Tolipov
“South Ural State University” (National Research University) FSSFEI HPE “SUSU” (NRU) Mailing address: 76, Lenin prospekt, Chelyabinsk, Russia 454080
“South Ural State University” (National Research University) FSSFEI HPE “SUSU” (NRU) Mailing address: 76, Lenin prospekt, Chelyabinsk, Russia 454080