Numerical solutions of the Rayleigh-Plesset equation of gas bubble pulsations under slow increasing pressure amplitude of acoustic pump wave were thoroughly investigated. 3D diagrams of transformation of discrete spectrum of periodic pulsations in a continuous spectrum with broad spectral lines have been obtained. Dynamics of behavior of these broad lines and of conversion of continuous spectrum in a discrete one at the confluence of these broad lines has been investigated. Spectra that corresponded to almost periodic oscillations were detected and subharmonics under 1/8 were found.
Received: 2014 November 6
Approved: 2014 December 21
43.25.Yw Nonlinear acoustics of bubbly liquids
47.52.+j Chaos in fluid dynamics
47.52.+j Chaos in fluid dynamics
© 2016 Publisher M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University
G.A. Druzhinin, T.A. Dogadaeva
Department of Physics, St.Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg, St. Peterhof, 198504 Russia
Department of Physics, St.Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg, St. Peterhof, 198504 Russia