Method for calculation of transmission and reflection coefficients of a metafilm consisting of particles with different sizes is developed. Application of the method allowed to obtain good coincidence with experimental results for metafilms consisting of spherical ferroelectric particles.
77.84.Lf Composite materials
42.25.Bs Wave propagation, transmission and absorption
42.25.Dd Wave propagation in random media
42.25.Bs Wave propagation, transmission and absorption
42.25.Dd Wave propagation in random media
© 2016 Publisher M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University
Yu.E. Terekhov$^1$, G.V. Belokopytov$^1$, R.Yu. Tkachenko$^1$, A.V. Zhuravlev$^1$, V.A. Chistyaev$^2$, V.N.
$^1$Department of Oscillations, Faculty of Physics, Lomonosov Moscow State University Moscow, 119991, Russia.
$^2$Institute for theoretical and applied electromagnetics RAS Moscow, 125412, Russia.
$^1$Department of Oscillations, Faculty of Physics, Lomonosov Moscow State University Moscow, 119991, Russia.
$^2$Institute for theoretical and applied electromagnetics RAS Moscow, 125412, Russia.