Faculty of Physics
M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University
Theoretical and mathematical physics

Decoherence of neutrino oscillations in a magnetic field due to wave packets separation

Decoherence of neutrino oscillations in a magnetic field due to wave packets separation

A. R. Popov$^1$, A. I. Studenikin$^2$

Memoirs of the Faculty of Physics 2024. N 2.

Neutrino oscillations in a magnetic field considered within the formalism of wave packets. Damping of neutrino oscillations in a magnetic field due to neutrino wave packets separation is studied. The expressions for neutrino oscillations probabilities in a magnetic field accounting for decoherence effects are obtained. It is shown that the coherence lengths of oscillations on magnetic frequencies are proportional to the cube of neutrino energy. The obtained results are of interest for neutrino telescopes IceCube, Baikal-GVD and KM3NeT, and also can be applied for description of supernovae neutrino oscillations effects would be detected by JUNO, Hyper-Kamiokande and DUNE.

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Condensed matter physics

Investigation of the structure and phase composition of Cu-Si films obtained by ion beam sputtering

Investigation of the structure and phase composition of Cu-Si films obtained by ion beam sputtering

E. S. Kersnovsky, I. V. Polshin, K. A. Barkov, D. N. Nesterov, S. A. Ivkov, V. A. Terekhov, B. L. Agapov, A. V. Sitnikov

Memoirs of the Faculty of Physics 2024. N 2.

In this work, the structure, phase composition and electronic structure of Cu-Si films with different copper content (from 15 to 68 wt.%) obtained by ion beam sputtering were studied by X-ray diffraction and ultra-soft X-ray emission spectroscopy. It was found that when Cu-Si films have a low copper content (~15 wt.%), the phases of 𝝲-Cu5Si and amorphous silicon a-Si are formed. Increasing the Cu content to up to 68 wt.% leads to the formation of the phases 𝞰-Cu3Si and 𝞰''-Cu3Si, as well as partial oxidation of copper with the formation of Cu2O oxide, while significant changes in the electronic structure of the valence band are observed as a result of the interaction of copper d-electrons and silicon s,p-electrons. An increase in the copper content in the composition of Cu-Si films from ~15 wt.% to ~68 wt.% is accompanied by a decrease in resistivity from ~1*10-3 to ~3*10-4 ohms *cm.

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