Faculty of Physics
M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University

Light hypernuclei near the neutron drip line

A. S. Kornilova$^1$, S. V. Sidorov$^2$, D. E. Lanskoy$^1$, T. Yu. Tretyakova$^{1,2}$

Memoirs of the Faculty of Physics 2024. N 1.

  • Article

Addition of a Λ-hyperon to non-strange nuclei can result in an increase of binding energy and formation of bound hypernuclei with unbound nucleon cores, effectively shifting the nucleon drip lines on the hypernuclear chart. The structure of light neutron-rich hypernuclei is treated within the Hartree-Fock approach with potentials in the Skyrme form. We show that nuclei 10Li is likely bound by a Λ-hyperon, while adding the hyperon to 9He and 10He does not bind them.

Received: 2024 January 14
Approved: 2024 March 6
21.80.+a Hypernuclei
21.60.Jz Nuclear Density Functional Theory and extensions
13.75.Ev Hyperon-nucleon interactions
A. S. Kornilova$^1$, S. V. Sidorov$^2$, D. E. Lanskoy$^1$, T. Yu. Tretyakova$^{1,2}$
$^1$Physics Faculty of M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University\
$^2$D.V.Scobeltsyn Institute of Nuclear Physics,Lomonosov Moscow State University,
Issue 1, 2024

Moscow University Physics Bulletin

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