Faculty of Physics
M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University

Determination of the amplitude defect for measuring the energy of heavy ions with semiconductor detectors

D. N. Kozlov

Memoirs of the Faculty of Physics 2023. N 4.

  • Article

In current work the dependences of the amlitude defect of КДПС-1К detector on mass and energy were determined. Energy calibrations were performed with the 226Ra α-source and calibrational measurement with 20Ne, 36Ar, 86Kr, 132Xe beams were performed at IC-100 cyclotron at FLNR JINR. The research was carried out to measure the effective thickness of "dead layer"of the semiconductor detector and a correction has been made for energy losses in this layer. The expression for estimating corrections for an amplitude defect when measuring reaction products energies the energy range from 20 to 100 MeV and mass from 20 to 132 a.m.u.

Received: 2023 May 30
Approved: 2023 August 28
29.40.Wk Solid-state detectors
D. N. Kozlov
$^1$State university "Dubna"
Issue 4, 2023

Moscow University Physics Bulletin

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