The paper is devoted to the study of possibilities of methods of frequency-time analysis of signals of the brain electrical activity for recognition of sleep stages on the example of clinical data of newborns monitoring. The division of newborns into gestational age groups and postnatal lifetime groups during monitoring showed how significant changes in brain activity in sleep and wakefulness in children of different groups, as well as significant variability and non-specificity of frequency-time characteristics of brain activity. Significance of tracking alpha-rhythm level in EEG motor cortex projection for premature children for separation of sleep and wakefulness states, as well as, possibly, as a marker of brain maturity in the early adaptation period is shown.
05.45.Tp Time series analysis
06.30.Ft Time and frequency
$^1$Saratov State University\
$^2$Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education “Saratov State Medical University named after V. I. Razumovsky”