The necessity of developing a new design for automatic control of the microwave signal gain to ensure the stability of the output parameters of the atomic frequency standard (AFS) based on rubidium-87 atoms under various external conditions of its operation is substantiated. A new scheme for automatic gain control in the microwave path of the AFS based on rubidium-87 atoms is presented. A signal amplifier that controls the microwave excitation signal is considered, and mathematical modeling of microwave devices included in the microwave path is carried out. The validity of the developed automatic gain control scheme for the atomic frequency standard is confirmed. rubidium - 87.
Received: 2022 May 14
Approved: 2022 December 5
06.20.fb Standards and calibration
© 2016 Publisher M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University
A. V. Shavshin$^1$, V. V. Davydov$^{2,3}$, A. A. Petrov$^4$, A. P. Valov$^2$
$^1$St. Petersburg polytechnical university of Peter the Great. Russia\
$^2$The Bonch-Bruevich Saint Petersburg State University of Telecommunications\
$^3$All-Russian Research Institute of Phytopathology\
$^4$Russian Institute of Navigation and Time
$^1$St. Petersburg polytechnical university of Peter the Great. Russia\
$^2$The Bonch-Bruevich Saint Petersburg State University of Telecommunications\
$^3$All-Russian Research Institute of Phytopathology\
$^4$Russian Institute of Navigation and Time