Faculty of Physics
M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University

Dual formulations for the theories with reducible Stueckelberg symmetry

V. A. Abakumova, S. L. Lyakhovich

Memoirs of the Faculty of Physics 2022. N 4.

  • Article

We consider general procedure for including Stueckelberg fields with reducible gauge symmetry. It is shown that this procedure allows one to construct higher derivative dual formulations for representations of massive spin 1 and spin 2 fields. In particular, we demonstrate that massive spin 1 can be described by the antisymmetric second-rank tensor, and massive spin 2 can be represented by the traceless fourth-rank tensor with the Young tableau of window type. It is also shown, that by the choice of gauge fixing conditions in the Stueckelberg action we can switch between different dual formulations of the same theory.

Received: 2022 May 19
Approved: 2022 June 22
11.15.-q Gauge field theories
11.10.Ef Lagrangian and Hamiltonian approach
V. A. Abakumova, S. L. Lyakhovich
$^1$Tomsk State University
Issue 4, 2022

Moscow University Physics Bulletin

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