Faculty of Physics
M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University
Regular Article

Study of the albedo of marble and sand

B. M. Ibrahim$^1$, Yu. P. Pyt'ev$^2$, A. A. Samah$^1$, O. V. Falomkina$^2$

Memoirs of the Faculty of Physics 2022. N 2.

  • Article

In this paper, the intensity of solar radiation incident and reflected from the surfaces of marble and sand is studied in detail. The albedo values of these surfaces are calculated on the basis of radiation intensity measurements performed using a luxmeter. The measurements were carried out for marble and sand surfaces during two days of the summer months at two points in the vicinity of Baniyas on the Mediterranean coast in the province of Tartus, in Syria: in the town of Alqurdiye and at the station "Baniyas". The albedo values are calculated based on the measurement results. The results are compared, graphical curves are constructed that reflect the changes in albedo depending on time.

Received: 2021 October 1
Approved: 2022 April 20
96.12.K- Surfaces
92.90.+x Other topics in hydrospheric and atmospheric geophysics
96.90.+c Other topics on the Solar system and planetology
B. M. Ibrahim$^1$, Yu. P. Pyt'ev$^2$, A. A. Samah$^1$, O. V. Falomkina$^2$
$^1$Tishreen University, Science Faculty, Physics Department\
$^2$Department of mathematical modelling and informatics, Faculty of Physics, M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University.
Issue 2, 2022

Moscow University Physics Bulletin

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