The experience of e-learning methods usage for intgrated development of student competences had analyzed. As a teaching method students' specific activity within the General physics laboratory course had proposed: the laboratory activities considered as scientific research. The results of distance education methods usage had described, some significant advantages have found.
Received: 2021 August 4
Approved: 2021 August 25
PACS: Teaching methods and strategies
01.50.Qb Laboratory course design, organization, and evaluation
01.55.+b General physics
01.50.Qb Laboratory course design, organization, and evaluation
01.55.+b General physics
© 2016 Publisher M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University
V. E. Buravtsova, A. V. Seliverstov
$^1$Faculty of Physics Lomonosov Moscow State University
$^1$Faculty of Physics Lomonosov Moscow State University