The sound propagation in the sea in the presence of a near-surface layer of bubbles is discussed with the use of the latest experimental results for the bubble size distribution function g(R) obtained at different wind speeds and different States of the sea surface. It is shown that the presence of dissipation in the near-surface layer of bubbles with an increase in the volume concentration greater than 10-6 can lead to a significant restructuring of the acoustic field structure. Keywords: sea water, bubbles, sound absorption.
Received: 2019 November 14
Approved: 2020 March 24
43.30.+m Underwater sound
43.30.Es Velocity, attenuation, refraction, and diffraction in water, Doppler effect
43.20.Mv Waveguides, wave propagation in tubes and ducts
43.30.Pc Ocean parameter estimation by acoustical methods; remote sensing; imaging, inversion, acoustic tomography
43.30.Es Velocity, attenuation, refraction, and diffraction in water, Doppler effect
43.20.Mv Waveguides, wave propagation in tubes and ducts
43.30.Pc Ocean parameter estimation by acoustical methods; remote sensing; imaging, inversion, acoustic tomography
© 2016 Publisher M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University
V. A. Akulichev, V. A. Bulanov, L. K. Bugaeva
$^1$V.I. Il'ichev Pacific Oceanological Institute, Far-East Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences
$^1$V.I. Il'ichev Pacific Oceanological Institute, Far-East Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences