The paper deals with the phenomenon of mixing in dynamic models with chaotic behavior: the basic model of laser dynamics using the Lorentz-Haken model and the model of the simplest electrical circuit that demonstrates the modes of chaotic oscillations - the Chua model. The relationship between the degree of mixing and the control parameter was investigated. The increase in the degree of mixing with the growth of the control parameter is shown. Using the implemented algorithm in the Matlab system, studies were carried out to establish the relationship between the dynamics of the average degree of mixing at bifurcation transitions. In particular, at bifurcation points, which correspond to phase transitions by Haken.
Received: 2019 May 29
Approved: 2019 October 17
05.45.-a Nonlinear dynamics and chaos
© 2016 Publisher M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University
A. S. Trifonov, O. Y. Butkovskiy
$^1$Department of Physics and applied mathematics, Institute of applied mathematics, physics and informatics, Vladimir state university
$^1$Department of Physics and applied mathematics, Institute of applied mathematics, physics and informatics, Vladimir state university