The article discusses the experience of computer testing in the sections "Kinematics and dynamics of a solid body" in the Baku branch of the faculty of physics of Moscow state University.The difference between this test and the traditional one conducted at the faculty of physics is that it was conducted in two stages.The first stage, training, was designed to ensure that the student, performing it, had the opportunity not only to test their knowledge, but also to identify and eliminate errors and prepare for the control testing.For this purpose, the tasks of the training stage were provided with specially designed tips that the student received automatically in case of receiving the wrong answer.In case of repeated failure, he was given the author's solution to the problem.The second stage, control, was organized on the model of traditional computer testing conducted at the faculty of physics of Moscow state University. This arrangement has proved to be effective and is expected to be used in the future.
01.50.H- Computers in education Teaching methods and strategies
01.55.+b General physics
$^1$Faculty of physics, M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University