The use of fluorescent detectors is considered extremely promising for the registration of super-intensive X-ray beams. This is due to a number of advantages of such detectors in comparison with traditional detectors (such as CCD, diodes, X-ray films, etc.). In particular, this type of detectors has submicron spatial resolution, simultaneously with a large field of view (up to several cm2). It is also known that the dynamic range of a fluorescent detector ( lithium fluoride crystal – LiF) for soft X-ray radiation significantly exceeds the dynamic range of conventional detectors 1E4. In the framework of this work, the possibility of in-situ profile measurement of a focused synchrotron radiation with ultra-wide dynamic range 1E6 using a fluorescent detector (lithium fluoride crystal-LiF) and a confocal laser scanning microscope are presented.
42.70.-a Optical materials
$^1$Joint Institute for High Temperatures RAS\
$^2$Department of Accelerator Physics and Radiation Medicine , Faculty of Physics, Moscow State University\
$^3$Joint Institute for High Temperatures RAS\
$^4$Department of Accelerator Physics and Radiation Medicine , Faculty of Physics, Moscow State University