This paper presents the results of experimental studies of feasibility to use a correlation method for monitoring of rod type waveguides under the action of a local compression and heating stress. The possibility of using the method to control the quality of the bolted connection is investigated.
Received: 2017 July 26
Approved: 2017 October 17
43.35.Zc Use of ultrasonics in nondestructive testing, industrial processes, and industrial products
81.70.Cv Nondestructive testing: ultrasonic testing, photoacoustic testing
81.70.Cv Nondestructive testing: ultrasonic testing, photoacoustic testing
© 2016 Publisher M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University
I. I. Konopatskaya, M. A. Mironov, P. A. Pyatakov
$^1$Andreyev Acoustics Institute
$^1$Andreyev Acoustics Institute