The report presents information about the digital solid streamer of small diameter for the marine engineering seismic exploration developed by N. N. Andreev Acoustic Institute. The developed equipment has been tested in a real commercial project on the shelf of the Kara sea. It has recommended itself as a handy tool during operation and it allowed to obtain the geophysical data of required quality.
Received: 2017 July 11
Approved: 2017 October 17
43.30.Vh Active sonar systems
93.85.Rt Seismic methods
93.85.Rt Seismic methods
© 2016 Publisher M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University
G. A. Maximov, D. M. Denisov, V. A. Larichev, D. N. Lesonen, A. G. Grigor'ev, Z. A. Korolkov
$^1$Andreyev Acoustic Institute
$^1$Andreyev Acoustic Institute