This report introduces the description of the program package for calculation of the broadband transfer functions of the environment model including atmosphere, water column and bottom taking into account the dependence of the medium acoustic properties both on vertical and horizontal coordinates by the pseudodifferential parabolic equation technique in one-way approximation without taking into account shear stresses. Calculation examles are included both verifying the package functionality and having some applicable interest.
Received: 2017 June 27
Approved: 2017 October 17
43.28.Dm Infrasound and acoustic-gravity waves
43.30.+m Underwater sound
43.30.+m Underwater sound
© 2016 Publisher M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University
K. V. Avilov$^{1,2}$, S. N. Kulichkov$^2$, O. E. Popov$^2$
$^1$A.Blagonravov Institute of Machines Science of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IMASH)\
$^2$A.M.Obukhov Institute of Atmospheric Physics Russian Academy of Sciences
$^1$A.Blagonravov Institute of Machines Science of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IMASH)\
$^2$A.M.Obukhov Institute of Atmospheric Physics Russian Academy of Sciences