The paper presents the results of experimental studies of the effect of static pressure applied to the flat rough boundary of two solid materials on its nonlinear elastic properties. The investigations were carried out by the spectral method on the efficiency of generation of higher acoustic harmonics that were caused by a longitudinal elastic wave passes through the boundary and when a surface acoustic wave propagates along the boundary of two solid bodies. The experimentally determined power law dependence of the higher acoustic harmonics on the amplitude of the first acoustic harmonic was significantly different from the classical values for these harmonics. According to the measured amplitudes of the first and second harmonics of the surface acoustic wave passing along the boundary, a second-order nonlinear acoustic parameter was calculated as a function of the external pressure applied to the sample. It is found that the nonlinear parameter of the SAW does not depend monotonically on the pressure at the boundary. An analysis of the experimental results was carried out on the basis of a nonclassical acoustic nonlinearity.
$^1$Department of Acoustics, Faculty of Physics, Lomonosov Moscow State University