Faculty of Physics
M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University
Regular Article

Generalized dynamical equations of plane curvilinear motion of a material body on a trench with account of a friction forces (their numerical analysis in some special cases)

S.O. Gladkov, S.B. Bogdanova

Memoirs of the Faculty of Physics 2017. N 1.

  • Article

In this paper we have derived the general dynamic equations of a plane curvilinear motion, taking into account the forces as a viscous as and dry friction. It’s founded a closed system of four nonlinear differential equations. Its analyzes of the solution in some special cases illustrated by the graphical in the view of different trajectories which charactering of the plane motion.

Received: 2016 October 11
Approved: 2017 March 6
00.00.00 GENERAL
S.O. Gladkov, S.B. Bogdanova
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University) (MAI) 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, А-80, GSP-3, Moscow 125993 Russia Federation
Issue 1, 2017

Moscow University Physics Bulletin

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