Faculty of Physics
M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University
Regular Article

Effect of hybridization of electronic states on the high-frequency conductivity of disordered semiconductors

M. A. Ormont, I. P. Zvyagin

Memoirs of the Faculty of Physics 2016. N 3.

  • Article

Effect of hybridization of electronic states on the high-frequency conductivity of disordered semiconductors is studied in the pair approximation with regard to the power dependence of the pre-exponential factors of the resonance $I_{\lambda, \lambda'}$ and overlap $s_{\lambda, \lambda'}$ integrals on the inter-site separation $r_{\lambda, \lambda'}$. It is shown that for $r_{\lambda, \lambda'}< N_{d}^{−1/3}$ ($N_d$ is the site concentration), the region of crossover from almost linear to quadratic frequency dependence of the conductivity is appreciably affected by the hybridization of the electronic states of the resonant pairs.

72.20.Ee Mobility edges; hopping transport
72.80.Ng Disordered solids
M. A. Ormont, I. P. Zvyagin
Department of Semiconductor Physics, Faculty of Physics, M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow 119991, Russia
Issue 3, 2016

Moscow University Physics Bulletin

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