Interference of articulation patterns in different languages is a major obstacle to mastering accent-free foreign-language pronunciation. Database of Russian speech, developed at the Laboratory of Phonetics and Speech Communication of the Philological Faculty of Moscow State University, comprises two similar parts: the correct orthoepic one and Russian pronunciation with the accent: patterns produced by people with different native languages (including reading of isolated words and sentences, and spontaneous utterances). The variety of articulation mouth shapes necessary for the sound production in different languages can be represented as a cross-language space of articulation postures in which these postures may mismatch those in Russian. Such a mismatch requires complete restructuring the articulation bases of the native language with the aim of mastering the accent-free Russian pronunciation. Keywords: foreign language accent, Russian language, interference, database. PACS: 43.70.Jt. Received Keywords: foreign-language accent, Russian, interference , database. PACS: 43.70.Jt.
MSU, Faculty of Economics, Russia, 119991, Moscow, GSP-1, 1-46 Leninskiye Gory