Faculty of Physics
M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University

Acoustic microscopy of epoxi-graphite nanocoposite

V.M. Levin, Yu.S. Petronyuk, E.S. Morokov, S. Bellucci, P.P. Kuzhir

Memoirs of the Faculty of Physics 2014. N 5.

  • Article

There is a common representation of the uniform distribution of the filler particles over the composite bulk, regardless of the continuous cluster formation. However, in practice, the effective interaction between nanoparticles is often implemented with fractal their agglomeration to conglomerates of micron size and higher. The emergence of conglomerates reduces the expected physical and chemical properties of nanocomposites transfer them to the category of conventional composites with fine structure. Moreover, depending on the method of composite fabrication conglomerates may include air and gas bubbles. Ipulse acoustic microscopy technique allows investigating three-dimensional structure with micron resolution and studying the elastic properties of miniature specimens. Currently, the method is relevant for characterization of advanced composites with micro and nanostructures. In the paper the investigation results of the composites with different carbon fillers (graphite, graphite, nanotubes) are presented.

Received: 2014 November 12
Approved: 2014 December 21
43.35.Yb Ultrasonic instrumentation and measurement techniques
V.M. Levin, Yu.S. Petronyuk, E.S. Morokov, S. Bellucci, P.P. Kuzhir
Institute of Biochemical Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, 119334, Russia
Issue 5, 2014

Moscow University Physics Bulletin

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