It has been theoretically and experimentally shown that in contrast to other waves type the electromechanical coupling coefficient, power flow angle, external effects sensitivity and properties anisotropy of plate acoustic waves can be changed only due to changing plate thickness at the constant crystallographic orientation of plate material. The behavior of pointed dependencies is various for modes with different orders. The amount of modes n in piezoelectric plates more bigger than ones in the isotropic plates with the same thickness.
Received: 2014 October 28
Approved: 2014 December 21
72.50.+b Acoustoelectric effects
43.58.+z Acoustical measurements and instrumentation
43.58.+z Acoustical measurements and instrumentation
© 2016 Publisher M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University
V.I. Anisimkin, I.E. Kuznetsova
Kotel’nikov Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics of RAS. Mokhovaya 11, bld.7, Moscow 125009, Russia
Kotel’nikov Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics of RAS. Mokhovaya 11, bld.7, Moscow 125009, Russia