Faculty of Physics
M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University

Energy, momentum and potential acoustical streaming in ideal medium

Mironov M.A.

Memoirs of the Faculty of Physics 2014. N 5.

  • Article

Two interesting effects in the ideal medium are considered. The first one consists in the following. When body moves in an ideal medium, the medium has energy and momentum, defined through the attached mass and velocity of body. It turns out that the energy of the medium is concentrated around the body, while the momentum is placed at infinity. The second effect is concerned to acoustical streaming. The surface oscillations in an ideal medium can generate acoustical streaming - stationary flows of fluid.

Received: 2014 November 9
Approved: 2014 December 21
43.25.Nm Acoustic streaming
47.15.km Potential flows
Mironov M.A.
Andreyev Acoustic Institute. Shvernik st., 4, Moscow, 117036, Russia
Issue 5, 2014

Moscow University Physics Bulletin

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