Faculty of Physics
M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University
Regular Article

Role of Internal Waves in Processes of Development of Intrusions in Thermocline and of Upwelling

B.I. Samolyubov, I.N. Ivanova

Memoirs of the Faculty of Physics 2014. N 4.

  • Article

The results of researches and elaboration of mathematical model of the interaction of internal waves and currents are presented. It was discovered that against the background of upwelling the internal waves were developed. Under the influence of waves there were formed jets, leading to the fluctuations of the velocity of intrusion. There were proposed mechanism and mathematical model of this process.

92.10.Lq Turbulence, diffusion, and mixing processes in oceanography
92.10.Wa Sediment transport
92.40.-t Hydrology and glaciology; cryosphere
B.I. Samolyubov, I.N. Ivanova
Department of physics of sea and inland waters, Faculty of Physics, Lomonosov Moscow State University. Moscow 119991, Russia.
Issue 4, 2014

Moscow University Physics Bulletin

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