The tests show that the method of chloride-hydride epitaxy allows you to create high quality emitting heterostructure. The characteristics of such emitters are comparable with the parameters of structures grown by chemical vapor deposition of metal-organic compounds. When an operating current of 20 mA temperature tj of the active region was 43oC, optical output power and efficiency - 1.14 mW and 1.46%, respectively. UV LEDs are efficient in continuous drive mode up to the value of the forward current 135 mA.
Received: 2013 September 20
Approved: 2014 June 17
85.60.Jb Light-emitting devices
81.05.Ea III-V semiconductors
81.05.Ea III-V semiconductors
© 2016 Publisher M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University
Menkovich E. A., Tarasov S. A., Kurin S. Yu.
197376, Russia, St. Petersburg, Professor Popov Street, 5
197376, Russia, St. Petersburg, Professor Popov Street, 5