Faculty of Physics
M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University
Regular Article

Ultrafast dynamics of third harmonic generation in fishnet metamaterials

A.S. Shorokhov, K.I. Okhlopkov, D.V. Chichinadze, M.R. Shcherbakov, A.A. Fedyanin

Memoirs of the Faculty of Physics 2013. N 6.

  • Article

Ultrafast temporal evolution of the third harmonic generated by a fishnet metamaterial was studied using the pump-probe technique. The experimental data indicate the existence of a delay in the nonlinear response of the metamaterial. The delay is attributed to the ultrafast relaxation processes in gold characterized by a time constant of 1 ps that is comparable to the electron-phonon relaxation time.

Received: 2013 October 10
Approved: 2013 December 23
42.65.Re Ultrafast processes; optical pulse generation and pulse compression
78.67.Pt Multilayers; superlattices; photonic structures; metamaterials
42.65.Ky Frequency conversion; harmonic generation, including higher-order harmonic generation
A.S. Shorokhov, K.I. Okhlopkov, D.V. Chichinadze, M.R. Shcherbakov, A.A. Fedyanin
119991 Moscow, Leninskie Gory 1
Issue 6, 2013

Moscow University Physics Bulletin

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