Faculty of Physics
M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University
Regular Article

Shock waves and cavitation bubbles dynamics dependence on the intense femtosecond laser radiation energy in distilled water and acetone.

Potemkin Fedor Viktorovich Mareev Evgeniy Igorevich

Memoirs of the Faculty of Physics 2013. N 4.

  • Article

For the first time using the two-dimensional shadowgraphy map (time-laser energy) of energy transfer dynamics on the nanosecond time scale under tightly focused intense femtosecond laser radiation in the volume of strongly absorbing dielectric liquid (acetone, distilled water) was carried out. The energy of the resulting shock wave is proportional to the energy of the incident femtosecond pulse. The dependence of the initial shock wave velocity and the pressure from the laser pulse energy was investigated. The maximum velocity, and accordingly, the pressure observed at the maximum energy was about 4400 ± 400 m / s and 5.9 ± 1.3 GPa in acetone 7200 ± 300 m / s and 26 ± 3GPa in water. Saturation of the shock wave diameter as a function of laser pulse energy and reverse cubic growth to it was obtained. It is shown that the radius of the cavitation bubble was inverse cubic on the laser radiation energy.

Received: 2013 June 14
Approved: 2013 September 24
52.50.Jm Plasma production and heating by laser beams
43.25.+y Nonlinear acoustics
62.50.+p High-pressure and shock wave effects in solids and liquids
Potemkin Fedor Viktorovich Mareev Evgeniy Igorevich
Russia, Moscow 119991, 1 Leninskie gory, building 62
Issue 4, 2013

Moscow University Physics Bulletin

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