In this article, we present the result of a numerical experiment on the acceleration of charged particles in a turbulent field with different levels of intermittency. Our main task was to investigate the effect of intermittency on particle acceleration in turbulent cosmic plasma. For this, a three-dimensional model of a turbulent field with a controlled intermittency level was developed. An intermittent electromagnetic field is modeled as a superposition of a turbulent electromagnetic field with a power-law spectrum, obtained using the sum of the Fourier harmonics and the electromagnetic field created by small plasmoids, the amplitudes of which are specified using a special distribution. Using this model, the role of intermittency in the acceleration of charged particles in a turbulent field in the tail of the magnetosphere was investigated. It is shown that the higher the level of intermittency, the higher the energy values are able to reach individual particles. Magnetotail
$^1$Faculty of Physics Lomonosov Moscow State University\
$^2$National Research University Higher Scool of Economics, Moscow, Russia\
$^3$Space Research Institute RAS\
$^4$D.V.Scobeltsyn Institute of Nuclear Physics,Lomonosov Moscow State University,